Driven may request you to submit your bank statements as part of your financing application if you are unable to connect your bank digitally.
If you manage your banking transactions yourself, here are 3 easy steps to get your statements online.
- Log into Online Banking
Go to your bank’s website and login to their online banking page. We advise you access their website on your desktop instead of mobile to make the process easier.
- Find Your Monthly Statements
Find the section that'll allow you to view your monthly statements. For example, if you’re with TD, there will be a button called “Statements & Documents” in the top left corner of your screen. For other banks, some terms you may see to describe this tab are:
- "Download statements"
- "Download transactions"
- "Export account history"
- "Download account details"
- "View e-statements"
To make sure you have the right statement on hand, the document should have copies of your cheques on the bottom.
- Download Your Statements
Next, you can pick the date range you want statements for. Driven asks for at least 6 months of your bank statements in PDF format. Click the download button and this will save the documents onto your computer.
If the documents don't automatically download, it'll likely open up in a new browser window instead. When this window appears you will need to click the "Print" button, and when the printing options window appears, click "Change Printer" and then "Save As PDF". This will save your statements as a PDF onto your computer.
Want to see your statements before sending them? Make sure you have the most updated version of Adobe Flash, which you can find here.
Directions For The Most Common Banks
Here are some detailed tips on how to download your bank statements from the most common Canadian banks:
- TD Canada Trust - Click on the accounts link at the top of the screen. Click on the checking account number you would like to view statements on. Click on the “Statements & Notices” tab. Choose the statement period you would like to view and click “View Statement”. You may then click the print icon if you would like to print a copy of your statement.
- RBC Royal Bank - Statements are accessible in the "Services" tab.
- Scotiabank - You can find documents on the "Available Documents" page.
- BMO - Select the account for which you want to view your eStatement. Click 'View eStatement' and select the end date for the statement you wish to view, your statement will then display in your browser.
- CIBC - Select "My Accounts," then “Download Transactions” OR select “View eStatements”
- National Bank of Canada - To access your online documents, click one of the options available under “Account statement/cheque”. You will be able to view the available documents, submit a request to download any or all documents, as well as retrieve the downloaded documents.
Upload Statements on the Platform
Once you downloaded your bank statements from your Financial institution, you will need to then upload these documents in your Driven Portal. You can follow the following steps:
- To get started, you can sign in:
- Once you have successfully Signed in, you will see your My Business dashboard. You can click on the top menu ‘Upload Documents’
- In the Upload Documents Screen, you can now begin to upload each bank statement that you have downloaded. By clicking the ‘browse’ or dragging and dropping each file in the grey box.
- With each document upload, please select the type of document you are uploading
- With each document uploaded, you should see a green notification box appear notifying that of a successful upload. Repeat this process until all bank statements have been uploaded
- After all bank statements have been uploaded, we will take care of the rest and will notify you of your credit decision. You can simply close your window or sign-out.